Crayola ColorCycle Program - Recycle Markers
It's Friday and what a week.
Crayola's ColorCycle Program |
As extreme weather continues to barrel down across the globe and catastrophic events seem to unfold every day, I can't help but get down on my knees and give thanks for the food on my table, the clothes on my back and the roof over my head. God bless us all.
In all this sadness, I am reminded that now is the time for us to re-examine our daily lives and rethink how we live -- what foods we buy, what goods we consume and how much we waste.
Over the long weekend, my daughter and I undertook a massive cleaning campaign in her room and I'm ashamed to admit how many excess markers, crayons, and pens we uncovered.
And this is only the tip of the iceberg...
Loads and loads of markers, most of them empty, just sitting in a brown paper bag creating space and trash. Insert huge sigh.
Trust me, I thought about tossing them in the trash and being done with the matter, but in the end couldn't bring myself to do it. Just look at all this trash.
After a little late night internet sleuthing, I discovered Crayola has a marker recycle program -- ColorCycle and it looks pretty easy:
Here's the tricky part. It has to be set up through a school. Anyone out there tried it or set it up at school? We'd love to hear from you.
Looks like all you have to do is: (1) set up a collection box for marker -- any markers and NOT just Crayola, (2) package them up using a pre-paid packing slip from Crayola and (3) mail it off.
We are trying to get this set up at my daughter's school. You can too. There are resources available on the Crayola website to help you get started.
Just one small step in making change for a better tomorrow.
Hot pink pumpkins |
Truth be told, as a mom and a maker, I continue to struggle with these issues and how to reconcile making fun and festive dresses with prints we love AND with the fact that all this cuteness may only be for one or two uses. It doesn't seem right.
Flying Bats Dress |
With holiday season rapidly approaching, I can't help but think we need a new approach so these dresses can continue on to have an extended life.
Jack-o-lantern Fun |
Barnyard Boogie |
Stay tuned. Peace.