Free Book at Barnes & Noble - No Summer Slump Over Here


Free Book Alert for kids in Grades 1-6!

Free Book from Barnes & Noble!

Barnes & Noble is giving away a FREE BOOK to all those kids in grades 1-6 who participate in their summer reading program for kids.  Yes!  A free book!

And, it's super easy.  Promise.

Print out the Summer Reading Journal online.  Click here for the link.

Your child must read 8 books and document each one in the journal, writing down the name, author, and favorite part of each book.

It's a simple form and a quick sentence.  No requirements on length of book, either.

Can I just say, score one for mom.  Not only did my child sit down and read, she also had to write and think about her favorite parts of the stories.  Insert mom-happy-dance here.  She was so inspired, writing and thinking about her books, she proceeded to make customized book markers.  Tons and tons of book markers.

Apparently, she hit up my nightstand too.  I later found my own customized book markers that night.  

After your list is completed, turn it in to your friendly Barnes & Noble cashier and pick out a book (there's a list of available titles).


One happy camper, plus one happy mama, plus lots and lots of reading equals success.  No summer slump over here!

Happy reading.


Anonymous said…
Thank you for sharing! It's always fun to receive something, and we're always looking for fun ways to encourage children to read. Again thank you!...pie

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